Executive education in MRI Principles and applications

16th April 2014

The Brains Unlimited education programme is oriented towards scientific research in applied settings within the domain of MR imaging. It will enable students to advance their skills in critical analyses of multiple aspects of MR imaging and analysis. Drawing from different disciplines, students will be offered a variety of analytical tools to approach problems pertinent to this field.

Students will be lectured and supervised by academic staff from Maastricht University and a number of leading international universities and institutions. These staff members are all active researchers and experts of the state-of-the-art in their respective fields. All courses are 5 days long and will be held at the new Scannexus research center -enabling access to state-of-the-art human scanners: 3T Prisma, 7T Magnetom, 9.4T Magnetom and additional facilities.

The Brains Unlimited education programme is part of an accredited (N.V.A.O.) university degree. On completation of a course students will receive a certificate from Maastricht University and credits towards a Master of Science degree.

Three modules running in 2014:

MRI Quality Assurance and Artifacts
16 - 20 June 2014

Functional and Anatomical Imaging Basics
20 - 24 October 2014

Ultra High-Field Functional and Anatomical MRI
27 - 31 October 2014

Download the brochure

For more information regarding these modules or the full Executive programme, including application, see our website or send an email to education@brains-unlimited.com.

Source: Brains-unlimited

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