01th October 2014
Brains Unlimited wins the Nederland ICT Impact Award 2014. MRI-platform Brains Unlimited from Maastricht University wins the ICT Impact Award. Brains Unlimited was nominated because of the great impact the scanner platform has on society and as part of the digital economy. Booking.com and Amsterdam Internet Exchange (AMS-IX) were also nominated for the prize, that was awarded on 30 September 2014 during the Avond van de Digitale Economie (Evening for the Digital Economy) in The Hague.
Nederland ICT nominated Brains Unlimited with the following motivation: ‘Research into the human brain is important for learning to better understand and combat diseases like Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease or epilepsy, and for gaining insight into human behaviour. At Brains Unlimited, they strive to create a European Centre of Excellence in high-field MRI and neurosciences. A special building at Maastricht University houses three powerful high-field MRI systems, which generate huge amounts of data. Brains Unlimited finds itself at the intersection of Healthcare, ICT and Big Data, where ICT has an important role as a process enabler.’
To read the article of Nederland ICT about the award click here (in Dutch).
More information about the night of the Digital Economy can be found at the website of NederlandICT www.avondvandedigitaleeconomie.nl
Source: Brains-unlimited