07th April 2014
‘Het gretige brein’, translation in English ’The eager brain’, is a (English) broadcast of Tegenlicht. VPRO‘s weekly, 50-minute, Future Affairs- program, which balances on the edge of storytelling and journalism. It focuses on our globalized world in which societies, economies and cultures seek a new equilibrium aiming to grasp the quintessence of prominent trends and developments.
The broadcast of ‘Het gretige brein’ is about director Rob van Hattem who is wondering: Can we finally read our brains? Can we connect two brains directly with each other? Looking to the future of our brains.
Rainer Goebel, Scannexus’ Chief Scientific & Technical Officer was interviewed about his pioneering work in visualizing brain scans and their interpretation. More (background) information can be found on the website of Tegenlicht.
Click here for the full broadcast of April 6. The Scannexus segment begins at approximately 29 minutes.