08th October 2012
Brains Unlimited presents the Innovation in Imaging (IiI) competition. IiI is an open call competition in which winners will receive up to 10 hours of scanning time at one the of the three UHF clinical MRI scanners of Brains Unlimited. Research groups is academia, health care and industry are asked to develop a project concept outline that describes an innovative research project that utilises the Brains Unlimited facility to address a signifi cant, relevant challenge of fundamental, clinical, or commercial importance. Entries will need to be novel, make use of the best available technology, be scientifi cally relevant, and have a good probability of leading to further research activity or commercial impact.
The winning entries of IiI will receive up to 10 hours of scanning time on the relevant scanner, with certifi ed user training and/or operator support at the Brains Unlimited facility. In total there will be 4 prized awarded! The winners will be announced during the Opening of the facility at March 1st 2013, including publicity for the winning teams.
In order to enter the IiI competition, participants need to use the IiI application form and submit entries on February, 1st 2013. All application will be anonymously judged by an independent panel by the end of February 2013. The winning projects need to commerce prior to September 2013. For more information, please contact Nadine Reijnders, Project Developer by n.reijnders@brains-unlimited.com or +31 43 38 81242.
Prizes can only be redeemed at Brains Unlimited B.V. The overall winners of the competition must use the entirety of their prize in a single project which has not received funding from an alternative source. All prizes-winning projects must have all regulatory approvals in place and commence before 01 September 2013. Failure to commence by this date may result in that prize being declared null and void. The winning entrants are responsible for ensuring all necessary regulatory approvals are in place prior to commencing their study. Brains Unlimited will provide advice and guidance where necessary. Scanning Project Agreements must be signed by the prize winners prior to commencing their study. Both parties will agree the timing of services in advance of work being carried out to ensure staff availability Brains Unlimited will notify prize winners when activities are approaching the prize limit and both parties will agree in advance the costs of any further work to be carried out.