Open Day Brains Unlimited 21th January 2014
Take a look at the best scanners in the world, meet researchers, meet the Maastricht Health Campus or take part in fun activities! On February 1, 2014 from 10 am to 16 pm at the Oxfordlaan 55 in Maastricht. >
Newsletter issue 02-2013 18th December 2013
Scannexus' second newsletter. It has been a momentous year for Scannexus and the past few months have been a demonstration of this with some major milestones being achieved. >
MHC Breakfast session 5th December 2013
Tuesday 21 January 2014 there will be a breakfast session with Ross McLennan >
The Brains Unlimited Pioneer fund: New call open! 15th November 2013
During the Royal Opening of the Brains Unlimited Complex on 29 October 2013, the second call of the Brains Unlimited pioneer Fund has been opened! >
Scannexus Users meeting 7th November 2013
Scannexus organizes its 1st user meeting, December 12, in which it will create an open forum where people can hear about recent and planned developments within the facility, and make suggestions for future directions. >
King Willem-Alexander officially opened the Scannexus facility and Brains Unlimited complex 29th October 2013
Today, Tuesday 29 October 2013, His Majesty the King was a guest of honour for the official opening of the Brains Unlimited complex – including the Scannexus scannerlab. >
King Willem-Alexander to officially open Scannexus facility and the Brains Unlimited complex 27th September 2013
On Tuesday 29 October 2013, His Majesty the King will be guest of honour for the official opening of the Brains Unlimited complex – including the Scannexus scannerlab. >
Film about a research studie performed at Scannexus 26th September 2013
An informative and engaging short (Dutch) film produced by the Internationale Stichting Alzheimer Onderzoek (ISAO). >
Film about scanning on our 7T 10th July 2013
In this film Siemens interview prof.dr. Rainer Goebel and show an example of a 7T fMRI study which takes less than 25 minutes. >