Newsletter 11-2016 25th November 2016
Take a look at the latest news that has keeping us busy over the past few months. >
Newsletter 07-2016 13th July 2016
Take a look at the latest news from Scannexus. >
Albert Scherpbier appointed CEO of Scannexus 20th May 2016
Professor Albert Scherpbier has been appointed CEO of Scannexus as of 1 June 2016. He will head up the prestigious scanner lab, which features three ultra-high field MRI scanners of 3.0, 7.0 and 9.4 Tesla to facilitate the open access MRI diagnostics and neuroimaging research conducted by UM, Maastricht UMC+ and third parties. >
Newsletter 03-2016 17th March 2016
With this newsletter we provide you some insight into the activities, developments and research that has been keeping us busy over the past few months. We would also like to take a moment to give you a short overview of the outcome of our customer survey. >
Newsletter issue 12-2015 28th December 2015
We hope that you enjoy this insight into some of the activities, developments and research that has been keeping us busy during the last months of 2015. We would also like to take a moment to introduce you our new members of the Scannexus organisation. >
Newsletter issue 06-2015 11th June 2015
It is with pleasure that we present you this newsletter. It has been a momentous year for Scannexus and the past few months have been a demonstration of this with some major milestones being achieved. >
ISO certification 20th April 2015
We are delighted to announce that we recently passed an external audit and have been granted certification for the international quality standards ISO 9001 and 13485. >
Brains Unlimited will have an Open Day! 24th February 2015
Take a look at the best scanners in the world, meet researchers, meet Brightlands Maastricht Health Campus and take a look at their plans for this Campus. Kids could take part in fun activities with Mad Science! Plus there will be more. >
Regio Branding Zuid Limburg tv-commercial 20th November 2014
Brains Unlimited is one of the companies involved in the tv-campaign of Regio Branding Zuid-Limburg. >
Brains Unlimited wins Nederland ICT Impact Award 2014 1th October 2014
Brains Unlimited wins the Nederland ICT Impact Award 2014, which was awarded at the night of the Digital Economy, 30 September 2014. >