Brains Unlimited is one of the nominees for the Nederland ICT Impact Award 2014 22th September 2014
Brains Unlimited is nominated for the Nederland ICT Impact Award 2014, which will be awarded at the night of the Digital Economy, 30 September 2014. >
Brightlands announced in The Hague 15th September 2014
To increase the international attractiveness of Chemelot Campus, Maastricht Health Campus and our region, the Province of Limburg and the “Kennis-As Limburg” partners have proudly announced that their collaboration will be emphasized by a new collective brand: Brightlands. >
Oproep Filmwedstrijd Mind Matters 31th July 2014
Verfilm je onderzoek en geef inzicht in de maatschappelijke meerwaarde van hersen- en cognitieonderzoek >
Stephen Hawkings' Science of the Future 21th June 2014
Stephen Hawkings' Science of the Future filmed at Scannexus. >
Scannexus User Meeting 2th June 2014
July 8, Scannexus organizes its 2nd user meeting in which it will create an open forum where people can hear about recent and planned developments within the facility, and make suggestions for future directions. >
Prof. Rainer Goebel appointed member of KNAW 21th May 2014
The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) has appointed prof. dr. Rainer Goebel, Chief Scientist and Technical Officer at Scannexus and Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience at Maastricht University, as one of her new members. >
L1 Broadcast of the VieCuri Matinee 15th May 2014
Sunday May 18 L1 broadcast of the VieCuri Matinee which was all about the brain including our scanners. >
"Empower your MRI research, even at 9.4T" 12th May 2014
In collaboration between Bracco, Acist Medical Systems and Scannexus, the EmpowerMR contrast injector was tested in the fringe field of the 9.4 Tesla MRI system. >
Executive education in MRI Principles and applications 16th April 2014
The Brains Unlimited Executive Education programme starts with three modules in 2014. >
Broadcast of Tegenlicht 7th April 2014
'Het gretige brein', broadcast of Tegenlicht about reading our brains, connecting brains and the future of our brains. >